Motivational and Inspirational... My Favorite F-Word is "Free"...  Well-being, Fitness Lifestyle, Resilience and the Female Power are also important... and so are the butterflies, which are a true symbol of freedom! I am a wellness and fitness lifestyle coach, author of motivating and inspirational columns, articles, and blogs, motivational and early detection/breast cancer  Survivor Speaker (see my YouTube Channel), an Ironman and an Ultramarathoner,, a through hiker, and a passionate globetrotter. A big believer in creating your own luck and happiness rather than in "being lucky".

I also am a  HonorHealth Foundation Ambassador, Spokesperson for Early Detection and Breast Cancer-related Topics, a Volunteer , Advocate, Community Liaison and a Donor for Little Pink Houses of Hope Organization (providing breast cancer patients with week-long retreats through the States)

My YouTube Channel:

Fitness FB Address:

Contact me for life coaching consults (in-person or on-line or by phone), motivational and inspirational writing, speaking, fight against breast cancer-related engagements, or one-on-one personal training and fitness advice at:

Phone Number: (928) 451-2886  ~ Email:

A lifestyle coach may work with you on goal setting, stress reduction, time management, confidence issues, and relationship building, in addition to health-related topics. As a wellness lifestyle coach, I also focus on topics such as nutrition, exercise, weight management, and managing chronic conditions. Hiring a life coach can literally turn your life around.

For my existing Trainees only:

 Studio address: 31 Bell Rock Plaza, Suite C (upstairs), Village of Oak Creek, 86351, AZ,  by appointment only.

If you are ready and wish to train alone on top of your sessions with me, I welcome you to benefit from this offer. This is also a great way to make you commit to the appointments with yourself and stick to your training plan. This Unit gives you a chance to independently use the Gym without any additional enrollment fees, at a very affordable cost.

To schedule your time slots and purchase the Unit, please contact me at

You will have the Studio all to yourself for a full hour and I expect you to leave it in the state it was when you walked in. Your training will be not supervised by anyone. I reserve the right to occasionally pass by the studio during your training time (usually, it does not happen, and if I have to pass by, I won’t bother you!). You have to commit to the day(s)/hour(s) for your training as per existing or anticipated availability of the Studio (preferably scheduling the same time slots on the same week days for a month in advance). You have to book your time slots at least one week in advance and they are not transferable to anyone and cannot be cancelled later than 7 days before your scheduled training.

I will do my best to accommodate your preferred independent training hours, however, I might ask you to schedule your sessions around the typical Personal Training times when I am in the Studio with my PT trainees. Typically, the late mornings or some afternoons and the weekend mornings are less busy at the Studio, therefore, it is easier to get the ISU time within these time slots.

Your health matters. You should be in charge of it. Maintaining healthy lifestyle is your investment in your health and it directly translates into diminished costs of your health care, increased productivity, higher quality of life and well-being over the years to come. By preventing diseases and being as fit as you get today, you increase your chances of remaining disease-free and living a long, happy and energetic life.

Even a minimal change for the better in your fitness routine and lifestyle really can positively impact your day-to-day living.

Customized Personal One-on-One Training sessions, perfectly fitting into your busy schedule and provided in the safe and motivating environment of my extremely well-maintained private boutique studio, will benefit you in terms of my full focus on you, your needs and importance of your specific goals. I will provide immediate feedback and I will respect your right to privacy (no, our whole town will not know anything new about you once you visit my Studio…). There will be no distractions and no crowded gym atmosphere. No session will be interrupted by a random phone call or an incoming message. You will have my undivided attention (I am not good at multitasking, anyway).

I will assist and support you in discovery of your strengths and weaknesses, designing your program and explaining correct training techniques, while ensuring your comfort, safety and appropriate pace of the program, therefore, preventing injuries. If needed (and wanted!), we will safely go beyond your limits.

The most important reason will be getting your specific results, no matter what your unique personal goals are: fat loss, weight loss or gain, muscle mass gain, improving your agility, cardiovascular fitness, strengthening up, improving your tennis or golf game, or maybe starting to jog. No matter the age, body type, fitness and injury history, fitness level, height or weight, bone frame, health status and genetics, or your wish to progress faster or slower towards your goals, I only need your commitment and enthusiasm and we will start from there! Booking your Sessions in advance solves the accountability issues: you booked our time to train, you committed to it, now you have to show up and work on improving your well-being! You don’t want to miss an appointment to take the time for yourself and improve your own quality of life for the years to come –while having fun in the process!

I will change your exercises often, so your body will not get used to the program too much. We will let your body guess what is coming up next, but in a structured way… This specific approach will ensure optimal results and, simply, you will never be bored with your routine!

By designing and managing your fitness program, I will equip you with tools and resources to become as fit as you get. Once you wish to train on your own, you will be ready, knowing all the little (and not so little) details that do make the difference.

We will need a certain amount of time to achieve your first goals: it took you time to become who you are at present and it will take some more to reach your newly established goals at a comfortable pace.

We will have all the time needed to work on your healthy lifestyle, including, but not limited to, any type of workout plans we agree upon (be it cardiovascular training, strength training, agility or balance workouts, exercises for your specific game/sports), nutritional advice you may need, days’ worth of healthy and delicious meal plans, structured specifically for you, advice on vitamins and supplements (if desired), and, last but not least, encouragement.During the first Session of your Adventure, we will review your medical and fitness history (we will complete Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire, Background Information and the Health History Questionnaire) and discuss your specific fitness goals. We will also take some measurements in order to establish better where you are at your start line in terms of body composition, fitness, flexibility, balance etc. You may want to take home with you the BE FIT FIT Activity Diary, BE FIT FIT Guidelines to Keeping a Daily Food Journal, or our easy-to-use BE FIT FIT Food and Exercise Diary. To support you in your goals during your Adventure you may opt to receive motivating progress reports, nutrition feedback, or my fitness newsletters, packed with information and expert advice. Your Food Diary is important, especially if you wish to achieve some fat weight loss and muscle mass gain. As we are all aware, excessive weight is linked to health hazards, such as the risk of diabetes, hypertension, heart attack, stroke, respiratory system problems, sleep apnea, arthritis, and more

Independent Studio Use available:

Get access to the Studio and all the equipment at an unbeatable price per hour. You will be training without my supervision. .
Cost: Up to 3 x 1hr a week: $80.00 per month. Up to 7 x 1hr a week: $150 per month.

You will have to commit to the day(s)/hour(s) for your training as per availability of the Studio (preferably scheduling the same time slots on the same week days for a month in advance). You have to book your time slots at least one week in advance and they are not transferable and cannot be cancelled/rescheduled later than 24hrs before your scheduled training.


lifestyle coach, motivational writer and speaker
health, wellness, and sports ambassador

Why Should You Join BE FIT FIT?


Be Fit Fit